Tag: Japan

Video: Salem Health CEO & Senior Leaders Comments About Visiting Japan

As described on the YouTube page for this video, a group of Salem Hospital (Oregon) staff members (senior leaders, front-line staff, clinicians) visited Japan...

Donations for Japan Earthquake Relief

Our thoughts and prayers are with our friends in Japan and everybody there dealing with the aftermath of the earthquake and whatever problems are...

LeanBlog Video Podcast #7 – Norman Bodek, Part 2

Video #7 is a continuation of Episode #3 with Norman Bodek recounting his early trips to Japan and learning about kaizen, just in time,...

Japanese CEOs and Leadership

Toyota Posts Big Loss, Signals More to Come - WSJ.comI saw this article on Saturday and it reminded me to go ahead and blog...

Japan’s CEO Aren’t Greedy Villains

In Japan, more CEOs share the pain of tough times - USATODAY.comThe USA Today, whether they're trying or not, is doing a good job...

Nice Toyota "Root Cause" Problem Solving Example in USA Today

The other 'Big 3': Japanese car giants caught in sales skid, too - USATODAY.comIt was Kaizen Week in the paper, apparently, as the word...

LeanBlog Podcast #61 – Norman Bodek, on the Super Meister System...

Norman Bodek is once again back for episode #61 of the LeanBlog Podcast, talking about his discovery of a unique system in Japan, at...

Jason Yip’s Japan Trip

I'd love to go on one of these Japan lean study missions at some point. Blogger Jason Yip, who writes about Lean software development...

Avoiding the Use of Japanese Terms?

Blog reader Kevin wrote with this excellent question (used with his permission):My question is about the idea I see many using in the lean...

Toyota, Layoffs, Stabbings, and Respect for People

The Associated Press: Toyota lays off 800 line workers at Japan plant I'm starting to cut Toyota less slack for their claims of not having...

Are We Cowboys or Not?

Fixing East-West clash challengingProf. Jeffrey Liker keynoted a Lean event in Oklahoma and is quoted as saying:Maybe the cowboy and the samurai best illustrate...

A Japanese Paper on the Spread of TPS

CURRENTS / 'Toyota way' inspires lean practices From a Japanese newspaper, an article about the impact the Toyota Production System is having on organizations around...