Tag: Metrics

The Joy and the Pain of Overreacting to Metrics

As next week's Lean Startup Week approaches, I'm pretty laser focused on preparation for my: Facilitation of the famed Deming Red Bead Experiment My...

The Conundrum that is Dr. Deming on Metrics, Measures, and Data

There are Dr. W. Edwards Deming quotes that get thrown around... one that sounds incredibly "pro-data" and others that say data and measures are not the only thing... which is it? How do you reconcile that?

Reader Question: More Clarity in Visualizing Hospital Performance Data

I received another reader question (submit yours here) and it's about statistics, "daily Lean management," and visualizing performance data. Hey Mark: I like your posts...

How to Manage Your Improvement Metrics More Efficiently and Effectively

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6-QgYNs3QI&t=3s Presented by Mark Graban on January 24, 2017 In this Webinar you will learn: Some of the common mistakes people make when looking at performance...

Line Charts vs. Column Charts for Metrics & Lean Daily Management

I’m talking about the use of “bar charts” vs. “line charts” when tracking performance measures through Lean Daily Management, Strategy Deployment, or other methods.

Lies, Damn Lies, and Vanity Metrics – in Policing and Healthcare

I arrived in San Francisco yesterday for the Lean Startup conference, where I gave my 5-minute Ignite format talk on the parallels between Lean...

Mental Models: Standardized Work and Performance Measures

A few thoughts while waiting for a Sunday flight... at least it's a Sunday flight towards home. One reason traditional organizations (and traditional leaders) struggle...

Clear and Relevant Metrics

By Matt Wrye: I have been implementing lean over the last 10 years at five different companies. Only during the last eight years and...

World Class Numbers?

Blog reader Darrin wrote and asked:Do you have any up-to-date sources for "word-class" numbers for lean metrics like % of Leadtime that is wasted,...

We Got Gamed (Lab Specimen Batch Sizes)

A somewhat recent experience prompted me to re-read portions of Donald Wheeler's outstanding book, Understanding Variation: The Key to Managing Chaos, with its section...

"Measuring Minds at Work"

There's a column with that title in the current issue of Business 2.0 magazine, the Nov 2006 issue. I'm re-posting this because the article...

The Proper Use of Metrics

I was able to tour a hospital laboratory that had already gone through the lean process.One metric was a daily tally of "sticks per...