Am I Getting Over My Resistance to the Newer iPhones? Am I Still Ambivalent?


It's a bit of a Throwback Thursday… in October of 2017, I wrote this post about my, ahem, “resistance to change” when it came to the new iPhone X:

Two years later, I'm now considering upgrading to an iPhone 11 Pro. Speaking of pro… there are pros and cons. As with more meaningful changes, I have reasons to change and reasons not to change (this is a key insight from the Motivational Interviewing approach).

Reasons to change:

  • New and improved camera — I take a lot of photos for work and pleasure, so this is important
  • Longer battery life (or so it's claimed)

Reasons to be concerned about change:

  • I'm still not convinced that FaceID is better and more convenient than TouchID (thumbprint reader)
  • Do I really have a compelling need to change or am I sort of wanting to change? Is the camera a compelling enough reason to change?

One reason I'm starting to come around is that my wife's company upgraded / updated her to the iPhone 11 Pro. She was also skeptical about FaceID, but basically had the change forced on her.

After a few days, with a forced test of change, she thinks FaceID is actually better. In fact, she's now ready to update her personal phone, an iPhone 6S, to the iPhone 11. I'm glad she didn't upgrade a few months back to the iPhone 8, which is pretty equivalent and has TouchID. She wants consistency across her two devices now.

Between that and playing around with the iPhone 11 Pro camera, I think might take the plunge before the end of the year.

I remember when my wife was one of the last holdouts in her company's switch from BlackBerry to iPhone. She loved the physical BB keyboard and she didn't want to switch to typing on glass. That change was eventually forced on her in the name of corporate standards… and she eventually came around and got comfortable with the iPhone. I made the case that it's actually better to type lightly on glass, but she had to try it and experience it for herself to truly accept the change.

As they say, change is a process, not an event, even if that process takes just a few days (and not years).

But, this post isn't just about iPhones… it's about choosing to change. In the workplace, are there times when we have to force change? If so, are there things we can do to make change more appealing to those of us who have a choice about change?

What do you think? Please scroll down (or click) to post a comment. Or please share the post with your thoughts on LinkedIn – and follow me or connect with me there.

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Mark Graban
Mark Graban is an internationally-recognized consultant, author, and professional speaker, and podcaster with experience in healthcare, manufacturing, and startups. Mark's new book is The Mistakes That Make Us: Cultivating a Culture of Learning and Innovation. He is also the author of Measures of Success: React Less, Lead Better, Improve More, the Shingo Award-winning books Lean Hospitals and Healthcare Kaizen, and the anthology Practicing Lean. Mark is also a Senior Advisor to the technology company KaiNexus.


  1. If it wasn’t for the camera system, which I use a lot and love, I’d seriously try to downgrade from my new 11 Pro back to my old 8. Touch ID was far better and faster than Face ID. With a Touch ID it would be opening up as I pulled the phone out of my pocket and be ready to go by the time I looked at it, and switching between apps takes one fewer step. I’ve messed with Face ID for two months and it still doesn’t recognize me half the time, and the need to swipe up all the time is annoying. I’ve heard they are planning on an in-glass Touch ID. We’ll see. Currently disappointed. But the camera…!

    • I still wish Apple would come out with an iPhone 8S that is essentially the iPhone 8 with the newer camera system.

      Maybe the camera on the iPhone 8 Plus that I have is good enough. For years now, the cameras are better and faster to start up than the separate Canon Powershot camera that I used to carry with me.

      I like how with TouchID, the phone can be flat on a desk and I can unlock it without tilting it up to get my face.

      You can tell that I’m still very “ambivalent” about making this change, in the language of Motivational Interviewing again.

  2. The other really annoying thing of the 11 Pro is not having a battery percentage indicator on the home screen. You have the tiny bar, but the percentage was much more useful to me. You can get to it by carefully swiping down, but once again it’s one more step.


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