Tag: Spear

Silver Bullets and Easy Answers — Always Appealing

While in Boston, I'm getting the chance to sit in on some sessions of an MIT Seminar in Healthcare Systems Innovation. Today, the session that...

Cleaning Out the Lean Blog Backlog, Redux

It's a not-so-regular feature, but it's time to clean up the Lean Blog Backlog (say that 10 times fast), the stories that I've tucked...

Networking with Bison and Doctors

Lean Leap to Health Care #3 (click for Part #2) by Scott McDuffee It would seem to be an efficient method to move into Health Care...

Full List of Shingo Prize for Research Winners Announced

Award Recipients - The Shingo Prize for Operational Excellence - shingoprize.org The full list of winners has been released. Congratulations to all! It's personally quite...

Steven J. Spear on Chasing the Rabbit (Now, The High Velocity...

Episode #58 of the LeanBlog Podcast brings us Steven J. Spear as our guest. Spear is a Senior Researcher at MIT, a Senior Fellow...

Gary Convis for "Car Czar"

No Detroiters Need Apply - Automotive NewsFirst off, I hate the whole "czar" term in our government. Ick.But if we need a "car czar",...

An Interesting Quote from Steve Spear on Toyota and Surprises

I recorded an upcoming LeanBlog Podcast with Steven J. Spear yesterday. Here is that episode: https://www.leanblog.org/2009/01/leanblog-podcast-58-steven-j-spear/ He's promoting his new book Chasing the Rabbit: How Market...

Operational Solutions instead of Political Solutions

A new design for healthcare delivery - The Boston Globe Good column here from Steve Spear (of "Decoding the DNA of the Toyota Production System"...

“Decoding the DNA of the Toyota Production System” Summary

Decoding the DNA of the Toyota Production System -- HBS Working Knowledge Here is a summary of the famous Spear/Bowen article on Toyota's "DNA." If...

VA Pittsburgh Definition of TPS

VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System, Toyota Production System --> Dead Link Here is a nice succinct definition of the Veteran's Affairs hospital production system in Pittsburgh....

The Evolution of Lean in Healthcare

Today's Detroit News wrote about lean in healthcare, this time in their own beloved University of Michigan system. Titled "U-M Hospital Takes Page from...

How Toyota Turns Workers Into Problem Solvers

Curious Cat Management Improvement BlogOK, so it doesn't seem very lean for a blog to link to a blog that's linked to an article....
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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