Tag: Grunden

Notes from Hearing Captain “Sully” Sullenberger Speak: Humility, Leadership, and Safety

After I kicked off the Lean Six Sigma World Conference this week, I had the fantastic opportunity to hear the now-legendary Captain Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger...

#TBT: Talking to a Friend of Captain “Sully” About Patient Safety

OK, it's Tuesday... "Throwback Tuesday." I'll make that a thing. Somebody I really appreciated getting to know, before her retirement from healthcare improvement work, was...

Guest Post: The Time is Now for Lean-Led Hospital Design

Mark's note: Here is a guest post by my good friend Naida Grunden, author of two great books on Lean Healthcare. America's 5000 hospitals face...

Article on Lean Design and Evidence-Based Design

I was quoted / interviewed in this piece that was published by daSILVEA Architects: "Re-thinking Healthcare: Improving Patient Care through Design." My friends Naida...

Notes from the 2012 Northeast Shingo Prize Conference, Day One

Yesterday was an outstanding day at the Northeast Shingo Prize Conference in Worcester, Massachusetts - my first time attending and speaking at this event....

Join Me at the Northeast Shingo Prize Conference, Sept 25-26

I hope you'll join me and a lot of Lean friends at the 2012 Northeast Shingo Prize Conference, to be held in Worcester, MA...

Podcast #148 – Naida Grunden & Charles Hagood on ‘Lean-Led Design’...

Episode #148 is a conversation with a returning guest, Naida Grunden (previous episode) and her co-author Charles Hagood (of Healthcare Performance Partners), talking about...

My Essay in Naida Grunden’s New Book on Lean Design –...

I'm in Las Vegas, speaking today to close the Lean Healthcare PowerDay event. There are many great speakers, including Dr. Richard Shannon, Dr. David...

Stuff I’m Reading, April 5, 2012: New Books, Layoffs “Forced,” Regrettable...

Back by popular demand, here are links to some more articles I've read recently that might be of interest on a number of Lean...

Preventing Brain Surgery Errors… Not Exactly Rocket Science

Thanks to those of you who sent me the link to this Washington Post article called "The Pain of Wrong Site Surgery." The piece...

Guest Post: Relying on Culture or Technology to Improve Patient Safety?

Today's post is from my friend Naida Grunden, author of the outstanding book The Pittsburgh Way to Efficient Healthcare: Improving Patient Care Using Toyota...

Revisiting Taxis, Medical Errors, and Systemic Problems

You might have read my blog post from last week about an unsafe taxi driver and medical errors -  Said the Unsafe Taxi Driver,...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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