Tag: Studer

Redefining Excellence: Quint Studer’s Vision for Modern Healthcare, Learning From Mistakes,...

Scroll down for how to subscribe, transcript, and more My guest for Episode #490 of the Lean Blog Interviews Podcast is Quint Studer, the co-founder...

Operational Excellence Mixtape: December 20, 2019

Healthcare - Creating Value for Patients It's been 20 years since To Err is Human, the seminal report from the Institute of Medicine, was released, estimating,...

Operational Excellence Mixtape: November 8, 2019

Healthcare - Creating Value for Patients "Imagine walking into a restaurant and being seated. Sometime after your meal, you receive the check and find an...

Podcast #303 – Craig Deao, Effectively Engaging Employees… and Everyone Else

Joining me for Episode #303 is Craig Deao, a senior leader with Studer Group. Today, we're talking about his book The E-Factor: How Engaged Patients, Clinicians, Leaders, and Employees Will Transform Healthcare. We'll talk about the differences between satisfaction and engagement, how to tell if people are engaged in their work, and how to engage various stakeholders, including employees, clinicians, and executives. We'll also talk about how Studer Group became a recipient of the Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award in 2010.

I’m Speaking at @StuderGroup’s “What’s Right in Healthcare” 2017 Event

When I first shifted into healthcare in 2005, many people recommended the book Hardwiring Excellence by Quint Studer. I read it and posted a few thoughts...

Watching the Steve Jobs “Lost Interview,” Part 2

As I started writing about yesterday in Part 1, I recently viewed a lost video of Steve Jobs being interviewed in 1995.  See this...

94% of Problems Are Really Caused By… Chuck Norris?

Since the webinar I'm doing later today for Gemba Academy (Using SPC to Make Better Management Decisions) allows me to cite the late great...

“Management By Walking Around” vs. “Gemba Walks”

It's important not to confuse a proper Lean "gemba walk" with the idea of "management by walking around" (MBWA).  What did the late, great...

How Often Do You Hear “How Can I Help You?” From...

I was going through some old notes I've taken when visiting different hospitals and I came up with this quote from a healthcare professional: "I've...

Vote for Real Healthcare Leaders in Modern Healthcare’s “Most 100 Influential”...

Vote for this year's "Modern Healthcare's Most 100 Influential" list. Click here. Sadly, Dr. John Toussaint is not on the list of nominees. I voted for...

A Favorite Client: “The Synthesizer”

I had a good long chat with a former client (from my J&J days) the other day. I call him "The Synthesizer," and no...

How to Show Gratitute in Your Organization

Some great thoughts for Thanksgiving Day from Quint Studer, ideas that could apply to any organization, not just in healthcare.Quint's Blog: The Grateful Workplace:...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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