Tag: Katie Anderson

Coming July 13th — Live Lean Podcast Episode with Katie Anderson

As we approach the 15th birthday / anniversary of my Lean Blog Interviews Podcast, I've experimented with a few formats over the years. There's...

Win a Signed Copy of Katie Anderson’s Book and More!

I'm running a series of giveaway contests with books and other items produced by guests on the "My Favorite Mistake" podcast. I'll be adding...

Katie Anderson & Isao Yoshino’s “Favorite Mistakes” and Toyota’s Culture

I've stopped sharing every single episode of the "My Favorite Mistake" podcast here on the blog, but I will share episodes that feature folks...

Katie Anderson on “Learning to Lead, Leading to Learn”

My guest for Episode #379, joining me for the fifth time, is Katie Anderson, author of the newly-released book Learning to Lead, Leading to...

Katie Anderson’s Webinar on “Learning to Lead” [Preview and Recording]

I'm looking forward to the new book by my friend Katie Anderson, due out in July: Learning to Lead, Leading to Learn: Lessons from Toyota Leader...

Podcast #326 – Katie Anderson on Lean Collaboration Within Healthcare and...

Joining me for the fourth time, here for Episode #326 of the podcast, is my friend and colleague Katie Anderson, a leadership coach, Lean consultant, speaker and writer from the San Francisco area. Hear our previous podcasts about visiting and living in Japan. Today, we're talking about a number of topics related to learning and collaboration: Her upcoming book with Isao Yoshino, the local San Francisco Bay area AME consortium that she is leading, her next trip to Japan (which you can join), and more. I hope you enjoy our conversation as much as we did.

Katie Anderson Interviews Me About “Measures of Success” – Win a...

Thanks to my friend Katie Anderson for writing a blog post about my latest book Measures of Success. Visit the post and you'll see a link that goes to a book giveaway contest, where I am giving away (with Katie's help, of course), three copies of the eBook (the paperback book is coming later this year).

Podcast #302 – Katie Anderson on Japan: Standard Work, Customers, and...

My guest for Episode #302 is Katie Anderson. Today, we're chatting because I've just returned from a short trip to Japan and Katie's going back in May (and you can join her). We're sharing observations and reflections on topics ranging from standardized work to Kaizen. Would it be easier to "implement Lean" (or whatever term you'd use) if you're a Japanese organization? And what are some of the approaches you see with quality improvement and Lean in Japan's hospitals? Our conversation also meanders into topics like eating sushi and more.

Podcast #275 – Katie Anderson, #Lean Reflections on Living in Japan

My guest Katie Anderson, previously a guest for Episode #233, is back again talking about lessons learned and reflections from her 18 months living in Japan. And check out a contest to win a copy of my book, courtesy of Katie and her blog...

Podcast #233 – Katie Anderson, A Lean Thinker Living in Japan

Today's guest is Katie Anderson, and we're talking about her experiences living in Tokyo for 18 months and what she's learning about Lean culture, Japanese culture, and how those aren't always one and the same...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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