Tag: Military

Error Proofing Against Pirates

Like many, I closely followed the recent pirate seizure of the Maersk ship with the American crew and was happy when the captain was...

These Wounded Soldiers Need Lean To Get Their Benefits?

Soldiers risk ruin while awaiting benefit checks I've read about this problem before... and at the risk of this turning too political, I'm going to...

A Japanese Paper on the Spread of TPS

CURRENTS / 'Toyota way' inspires lean practices From a Japanese newspaper, an article about the impact the Toyota Production System is having on organizations around...

John Boyd, Lean Fighter Pilot Part II

Harry Hillaker--Father of the F-16 Toyota's Value Innovation: The Art of Tension Mark has written before about "Everyday Lean", those little examples of error-proofing or kanban...

John Boyd, Lean Fighter Pilot Part I

The OODA Loop & You I love examples of lean thinking that come from unexpected angles. Mike Gardner at the TPM Log recently brought up...

Respect for People: US Army Edition

strategy+business, the e-magazine from Booz, Allen & Hamilton, reports how the US Army is changing the way that it shares knowledge within such a...

Teaching "How to Think" not "What to Think"

I heard a great phrase, the Army liaison officer to the White House, Col. Chris Hughes, saying on cable news, "we teach our young...

"Theory of Restraints"???

San Diego Business JournalI'll assume the reporter misquoted the commanding officer and that he actually said "Theory of Constraints" (ala Goldratt) rather than the...

U.S. Army saving $2 Billion from LSS

Army ArticleWe've had a few posts about the LSS efforts of the military, including the Army and Air Force.Here's an article from the Army...

Another Lean Army Report

Digital50: USAEC News and more Business NewsHere's another success story from the U.S. Army's Lean Six Sigma program, increasing production to support troops in...

Lean in the Air Force

Thinking lean, a must for stronger, smaller Air ForceHere's an article about the Air Force's ongoing Lean efforts, a Major General giving a speech...

Will Lean Outperform Bureaucracy?

Worldandnation: Scandal sires bureaucracy It's too bad that the Lean Six Sigma component of the response to the problems at Walter Reed has been lumped...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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