Tag: Micklewright

Don’t Copy: There Is No “Instant Pudding”

One of the things I get frustrated with is people who want to take shortcuts with Lean. There are some who are only interested...

LeanBlog Podcast #92 – Mike Micklewright, Another Crisis

Episode #92 brings a returning guest, the always entertaining and thought-provoking Mike Micklewright. He is the author of a batch of two new books:...

Upcoming Lean Conferences and Webinars

Here are a few upcoming events to mention: Webinar with Mike Micklewright as Dr. Deming Free Webinar with Dr. Sami Bahri, "The World's First Lean Dentist" ValuMetrix...

Lean Joke of the Day – Octo-Mom

From our good friend, Mike Micklewright, shared with permission. What does the Octo-Mom have in common with many American...

Videos with Mike Micklewright

You might know Mike from my podcast with him (performing as Dr. W. Edward Deming). Here are three videos with Mike (as himself) done...

"Black Belt for Sale"

Black Belt for Sale | Quality Digest - Mike Micklewright You might remember Mike from his Dr. Deming podcast and impersonation. Not that I'm trying...

Video Clip — Mike Micklewright as Dr. Deming

You might remember my podcast with Mike Micklewright, "What Would Deming Say?" Here is a free video clip of his "An Evening with Dr. Deming"...

LeanBlog Podcast #43 – Mike Micklewright, “What Would Deming Say?”

Episode #43 of LeanBlog Podcast is a very special one. My guest is Mike Mickleright, writer, consultant, and performer -- most interesting to me...

Mike Micklewright, Deming Impersonator

You might recall that I posted back in January about a "Deming impersonator" who was presenting/performing. Thank to that post, I...

A Deming Impersonator?

Saginaw Valley Quality Source - Beta ยป What Would Dr. Deming Say?:Has anyone ever heard of or seen Mike Micklewright, a "Deming impersonator?"...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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