Tag: Gemba

Wise Words from Mark Twain on Continuous Improvement and Perfection

A hat tip goes to Brian Buck for sharing this quote via email recently. Samuel Clemens, aka Mark Twain, was a pithy and wise man. I didn't remember this quote, but it is attributed to him. It's very appropriate for the type of work we do...

More Notes on Dr. Deming & “If Japan Can, Why Can’t...

Hopefully you've already seen the famed 1980 NBC documentary "If Japan Can, Why Can't We?" that featured Dr. W. Edwards Deming. I posted a link to the video and some notes on Part 1 of the broadcast. Today, I'd like to blog about Part 3 of the program...

Throwback Thursday: Flexing, Gemba Claus, Problems, Shook, Jail, and Holiday Gifts

As we start easing into the holidays, I wanted to share a few throwback posts from this day or this week from previous years: From...

The Business, the Science, and the Continuous Improvement of “Bar Rescue”

For the Lean minded individual, Spike’s “Bar Rescue” is so much more than just a television show. It is basically a weekly, or binge-watched, case study on process improvement in bars across the country. “Bar Rescue” is another example of how any industry can benefit from continuous improvement.

“We are not Toyota”

Mark's note: Today's guest post is a return visit by Gert Linthout, from Belgium. Gert and I were part of the same Lean healthcare study trip to Japan back in 2012... Once upon a time... It was some years ago, when we guided a Lean transformation project in a regional hospital. The ambition was to drastically improve...

Like Lean: An NFL Head Coach Gets Out of His Office,...

...this WSJ article caught my attention: "The Coach Who Won't Leave the Locker Room." The sub headline is "Why Carolina Panthers' Ron Rivera has become obsessed with integrating himself into his players' personal workspace." An NFL coach is at "the gemba" during a game, of course...

We’re Ready for #KaizenLive on Wednesday & Thursday – Join Us...

Joe Swartz and I have been working for a while to put together our first onsite Kaizen workshop at his health system, Franciscan St....

Stuff I’m Reading March 2015: Womack, Sweatshops, Hospitals, and Surveys

As often happens, I have too many open browser tabs full of articles that I was going to potentially blog about. Too much WIP...

New #Lean & #Lean Startup Candy Hearts for Valentine’s Day –...

Ok, for those of you who maybe find "50 Shades of Lean" to be a bit too racy, here are some sweet "candy hearts"...

Audio Parody – “Lean Serial”

My wife and I were late to the wildly popular podcast "Serial," but we listened to the first six episodes while traveling over the...

Words vs. Simple Visuals; A Secret About Japanese Hospitals

This tweet and photo made me chuckle the other day... If it's "your right" or "your left" as you're going up or down the stairs,...

Unclear on the Lean Concept: Gemba Walks

Here's the third cartoon collaboration with artist Carrie Schurman, CMA (AAMA), a workflow facilitator at a health system in Florida. See all of the cartoons here....