Tag: Funny

[Cartoon] Money to Burn / Dumpster Fire Fighting in Healthcare

We don't have money for improvement initiatives, but we do have money to burn on a daily basis due to poor quality and bad systems?

Guest Post: An Exciting Innovation and MVP – The “Uber Sensei”...

Dr. Les Muda here... I’ve been working Uber to help them to disrupt another stale industry… not just taxi drivers, but Lean Sensei (or is it “senseis?”). Check out my planned app.

[April Fool] Coming Soon – 4th Revised Edition of “Lean Hospitals”

It's time for another new, revised edition of my book! The 4th edition is the fastest new edition yet, since the world is changing quickly and increasingly uncertain. Hospitals need to react now! Do something! Cut costs! Reduce costs! Slash costs!

CUBS Win! Chicago Hospital Implements First Staff-Driven Improvement in 108 Years

Snapping a historic 108-year drought, a small hospital, Chicago Community Use Bariatric Health Services (CUBS), implemented their first employee-driven improvement idea Wednesday night, breaking a long curse.

The Lean Force Awakens: Star Wars Memes & A Gemba Walk...

Star Wars: The Force Awakens opens on Thursday. I'm not the world's most avid fan of the Star Wars series, although I grew up...

Parody Video: Keith Olber-Lean and the “Worst Persons in the Lean...

In this post, I'll present a parody video of Keith Olbermann's "worst persons in the sports world" videos. I don't know how much overlap there...

That Medication Cabinet is Secure… Or Secure-ish

I was on a long flight the other day and I watched an episode of the ABC comedy Black-ish. In episode 3 of the...

New Lean & Lean Startup Candy Hearts for Valentine’s Day

Ok, for those of you who maybe find "50 Shades of Lean" to be a bit too racy, here are some sweet "candy hearts"...

PG-Rated Parody Movie Posters: 50 Shades of Lean

A few years ago when the racy book 50 Shades of Grey was popular, I created a few parody images. I never published them, probably...

Cartoon: The Workplace “Brain Check Station”

Here's my latest cartoon collaboration with a skilled artist (and medical assistant), Carrie Schurman. You can see the whole series via this link. How many organizations ask...

Audio Parody – “Lean Serial”

My wife and I were late to the wildly popular podcast "Serial," but we listened to the first six episodes while traveling over the...

Funny Video about Lack of Labeling… or is it Lack of...

This commercial made me chuckle as somebody who has bought and used a lot of Brother label makers. The video is meant to comically show...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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