Mark Graban

Mark Graban
Mark Graban is an internationally-recognized consultant, author, and professional speaker, and podcaster with experience in healthcare, manufacturing, and startups. Mark's new book is The Mistakes That Make Us: Cultivating a Culture of Learning and Innovation. He is also the author of Measures of Success: React Less, Lead Better, Improve More, the Shingo Award-winning books Lean Hospitals and Healthcare Kaizen, and the anthology Practicing Lean. Mark is also a Senior Advisor to the technology company KaiNexus.

My Lean Message Board is No More

This is news that won't even disappoint a handful of people... I'm shutting down my "Lean Board" companion site that I started at

Two Extreme Sides to Every Story in Politics *and* Lean??

This is going to seem like a political rant, but I promise this is mainly a post about Lean and healthcare, or at least...

Happy Birthday Frank Gilbreth; Reducing Waste in Hospitals… Green is Lean

Today, July 7, is the birthday of Frank Gilbreth, born this day in 1868. While some of his methods arguably ranked low on the...

Jim Womack: “Tipping Point” for Lean Healthcare?

I'm still catching up on things I wanted to blog about related to our Lean Healthcare Transformation Summit that we held June 9 and...

UK Government Wants Lean and Six Sigma or Just Cost Cutting?

I guess I have a burr in my saddle this week, being Independence Day and all, since I'm commenting on something from the UK...

Come on, WSJ, Why Drag “Lean” Into It?

While I was on vacation, the news (the BBC World Service, mainly) focused quite a lot on the BP oil spill in the gulf,...

This Yahoo Check Makes Zero Cents

This is a cliche' of bad process and bad information systems, but I actually received a paper check in the mail from Yahoo! for...

LeanBlog Podcast #93 – Jim Hearn on Lean to Improve Patient...

Listen: Episode #93 is a discussion with Jim Hearn, the Head of Lean and Six Sigma at Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust. This discussion...

Lean Healthcare Perceptions Survey for UK PhD Student

Steven Bradt, a graduate student at the University of Manchester business school in the UK, is conducting PhD research and has this online survey,...

Back from Vacation (Mostly)

I'm back from vacation. My mind is still somewhat there after a full two weeks' away, the longest vacation I've ever taken. It's tough...

Guest Post: Green Is Lean

Mark's note: Today's guest blogger is Tim McMahon, who normally blogs at his called "A Lean Journey: The Quest for True North."   Tim...

Guest Post: Don’t Market Without Your Kanban

Today's guest blogger is Joe Dager, of the site Business901. He's a very active blogger and podcaster and he's very active on Twitter (@Business901)...