Operational Excellence Mixtape: March 12, 2021


Thanks as always to Ryan McCormack for this… there's always so much good reading, listening, and viewing shared here by him!

Healthcare – Creating Value for Patients

What have doctors learned about treating Covid-19 in the last year?  Plenty.  Some improvements were as simple as getting patients on their stomachs instead of their backs.  1 year later, Manitoba doctors explain how they're treating covid-19.

Mass-Vaccination Sites — An Essential Innovation to Curb the Covid-19 Pandemic

Reducing waste is a cornerstone of improving healthcare quality and reducing costs, and reducing waste of vaccines during this time of need is even more critical.   Accidentally trashed, thawed or expired: Reports of COVID vaccine spoilage

Operational Excellence

Middle managers are essential for supporting improvement and transformation efforts, and are often the scapegoats for failed change efforts.  Plant lean explores how to help middle managers improve when they are caught between a rock and a hard place.

Integrated project design (IPD) is becoming more widespread in manufacturing.  Read more in A Lean Approach to Plant Design.

Why so many data science projects fail to deliver.

Covid has accelerated the rise of automation in organizations.  McKinsey revises its forecast for worker displacement due to automation upward based on recent trends in the future of work after covid-19

The threat of automation has long been confined to blue-collar work, but The Robots Are Coming for Phil in Accounting.

Leading & Enabling Excellence

How to Increase Psychological Safety in a Virtual Team

Managers continue to lazily attempt to incent staff with the promise of variable pay for “performance” in attempts to motivate staff to provide greater discretionary effort.  But focusing on creating a sense of purpose is probably more helpful.  Financial Targets Don't Motivate Employees.

The Six Traits of High-Performing Teams

Coaching – Developing Self & Others

E-mail is making us miserable.

The Dunning-Kruger effect: Why does it happen? Why is it so tricky?

Books, Podcasts, Videos

Books I'm currently reading:

I just started Think Again by Adam Grant and I'm hooked.  

I review Leadership is Language by L. David Marquet here.

Podcasts I'm listening to:

Want to hear the latest podcasts from some of the world's leading lean thinkers in one spot? Mark Graban consolidates podcasts from your favorite lean thinkers here on the Lean Communicators – Podcasts page.

Mark Graban interviews his brother from another mother Arnout Orelio in Leanblog Podcast Episode #403 – A Dutch Engineer Now Working in Healthcare.

Azeem Azhar interviews CEO of Aurora, Chris Urmson about the challenges of innovation in Exponential View: Engineering a Driverless Future

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Ryan McCormack
Ryan is an operational excellence professional with over 18 years experience practicing continuous improvement in healthcare, insurance, food manufacturing, and aerospace. He is an avid student of the application of Lean principles in work and life to create measurably better value.


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