Management Improvement Carnival #40


It's once again my pleasure to host the Carnival for John Hunter and his Curious Cat blog.

Please submit your favorite management posts to the carnival. Read the previous management carnivals.

  • Boeing Plays Whack-a-Supplier (Kevin Meyer – Evolving Excellence): “Pretty ironic that it's called the “airplane game.” Perhaps Boeing should have played it… before spreading their suppliers… and knowledge… to the four corners of the globe instead of nearby Everett.”

  • Hospital Error – Heparin in the news again (The Lean Thinker Blog): “I am reasonably certain that the two workers who went on “voluntary leave” (yeah, right) will absorb more than their share of blame as the system solves the problem by asking the “Five Who?” questions.”

  • Pay for Performance is a Bad Idea (John Hunter – Curious Cat): “The idea of a merit rating is alluring. The sound of the words captivates the imagination: pay for what you get; get what you pay for; motivate people to do their best, for their own good. The effect is exactly the opposite of what the words promise.”

  • Is Batching Always Bad? (Ron Pereira – Lean Six Sigma Academy): “…. batching is the root cause for so many other issues: it creates overproduction, it hides defects, and creates mounds of inventory that in many cases no one wants to buy.”

  • Management 101, 201, 301, and 401 (Paul Levy – Running a Hospital): “The only role of management is to create an environment where people left to their own devices and unsupervised are most likely to engage in behavior that advances the goals of the organization.”

  • Why I Work In Healthcare (Lee Fried – Daily Kaizen): “Great people that were trying to work in a broken system.”

  • Competing Podcast Interview with Mark Graban (Dwight Bowen – Lean Thinking Network): “Most everyone has been aware of the increasing costs of healthcare – the general public is recently becoming more aware of the patient safety and quality risks they face in a hospital. And these are all problems that can be addressed with Lean.”

  • We Do Not Make What We Do Not Sell: No More Trucks in Indiana (Jon Miller – Gemba Pantarei): “It is no mistake to say that the people at the top of Toyota, the President, CEO, Chairman and other executives all thoroughly understand production control. How many CEOs in the world can say this?”

  • Top 12 FAQ about My CI (Mike Wroblewski – Got Boondoggle?): In the words of my Japanese sensei to me when faced with a failure, “Please try again”.

  • Letter to Apple: Think Lean, Not Different! (Matthew May – Elegant Solutions): “Thinking Lean is all about creating compelling value and flowing it as close to burden-free as possible to the customer.”

  • Toyota Cuts Back, But Not on People (Ralph Bernstein – Lean Insider): “What distinguishes Toyota from everyone else is its dedication to the lean principle of respect for people.”

  • 5S, Poka-Yoke, and Visual Controls (Bryan Lund – TWI Blog): “I need a visual control to tell me if the standard is met, in order to avoid mistakes or failure.”

  • Should Small Businesses Whine? (Seth Godin): “Small is a weapon, not an excuse.”

  • Everything Matters (Mike Neiss – Tom Peters Blog): “I have grown a little frustrated with business's current love affair with cost cutting. Increasingly, little thought is being given to the impact on the brand.”

  • Lean and Green at the EPA (Jason Turgeon – Lean Blog): In another permit process, the time it takes to issue a permit dropped from 425 days to just 15.”
  • More Careful or Better Processes? (Mark Graban – Lean Blog): “Being careful is a good start, but bad processes and bad systems can defeat even the most careful of individuals.”

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Mark Graban
Mark Graban is an internationally-recognized consultant, author, and professional speaker, and podcaster with experience in healthcare, manufacturing, and startups. Mark's new book is The Mistakes That Make Us: Cultivating a Culture of Learning and Innovation. He is also the author of Measures of Success: React Less, Lead Better, Improve More, the Shingo Award-winning books Lean Hospitals and Healthcare Kaizen, and the anthology Practicing Lean. Mark is also a Senior Advisor to the technology company KaiNexus.


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