Monthly Archives: March 2008

A Silly Example of Mandates and Threats Not Working

Cemetery full, mayor tells locals not to die Maybe this mayor has consumed too much Bordeaux wine. But this story is a wonderfully comical illustration...

Congratulations on 50 Years

This particular post is about as overdue as my contributions to LeanBlog, but it's always better to be late than never. Given how far...

PDCA at the TSA?

ABC News: Airport Security To Be Easier for Families? I am probably giving the Transportation Security Agency waaaaaay too much credit here, but this story...

Lean in Russia, Part 1

Thanks to the global reach of the internet, I have a new correspondent for the Lean Blog in Russia. We have exchanged some emails...

Deming on Education

If there was any value to the Industry Week commentary that tried to link Deming and Obama, it was that it prompted me to...

John Boyd, Lean Fighter Pilot Part I

The OODA Loop & You I love examples of lean thinking that come from unexpected angles. Mike Gardner at the TPM Log recently brought up...

Rest in Peace Joseph Juran 1904 – 2008

Joseph Juran, 103, Pioneer in Quality Control, Dies - New York Times I haven't run the numbers, but it's probably fair to say that Juran's...

Ohio Manufacturing Jobs & Presidential Politics

Politics | NAFTA bashing popular, but is it justified? | Seattle Times NewspaperGoogle News SearchAt the risk of stirring an unmanageable political debate (please...

LeanBlog Podcast #37 – Jeff Liker, Toyota Culture, Part 1 of 3

Here is LeanBlog Podcast #37, once again featuring Dr. Jeffrey Liker, Professor of Industrial and Operations Engineering at the University of Michigan. Dr. Liker...

Deming Endorses Obama (?)

Breaking: Deming Endorses Obama - IndustryWeek ForumsA few people have emailed me about this and it's easier for me to comment here than it...