Monthly Archives: June 2005

Boeing Doesn’t Know That "Profit = Price – Cost" ?

Arizona Republic:For the thousandth time, the Toyota principle is that prices are set by the market, therefore Profit = Price - Cost. The old...

Mere Mortal Managers

TPS - Lean Manufacturing and Process Improvements: Lean ArticlesAn intriguing set of articles about being effective lean leaders, especially when you've been managing for...

A long wait for the “Chinese century”

0 / Columnists / China Economic Quarterly: This column makes the argument that Chinese companies that buy Western firms maybe aren't getting such a...

Do You Need a "Director of Discipline?"

I had a conversation with another experienced lean person (she is in the auto industry) who commented about how she once saw a business...

Lean Lessons for Entrepreneurs – The "E-Myth"

I've been reading a well-known book about entrepreneurship and small business, The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to Do...

Enticements for Toyota suppliers should pay dividends for S.A.

0 Business Here is an article the discusses attempts to get suppliers into the official Toyota supplier park near the San Antonio plant. "It is a...

The Laptop Supply Chain

Slashdot | The Laptop Supply commentary (with a link to a free WSJ article). The WSJ article discusses the somewhat hidden laptop...

Small Companies LIkely to Provide Good Customer Service?

I saw the results of a Harris Interactive online poll, which said only 3.6% of respondents thought "large companies" are "most likely to have...

Celestica Sees Lean Benefits While Announcing Major Offshoring

The Celestica CEO says:"... he noted benefits from restructuring and lean manufacturing. Lean manufacturing is a series of initiatives that collectively boost efficiency and...

Toyota Way Principle #1: Need Not Apply?

My company is attempting to define and create a "Company Production System," patterned after TPS. Some of our executives visited TMMK (Toyota Georgetown) and...

Toyota boss fears backlash if GM, Ford fall

ABC NewsIt seems like Chairman Okuda and President Cho keep going back and forth on this in the media. Okuda has said twice now...

Waste watchers learning the lean routine in clinical laboratories

College of American Pathologists: It's much more fun to think about what could be (lean healthcare) than what was (GM's dominance in the...