Tag: Ohno

Throwback Thursday: Be Lean, not L.A.M.E.

Today's post is a throwback to an essay that I originally wrote for the excellent book Lean-Led Hospital Design: Creating the Efficient Hospital of the...

What’s Interesting About This Toyota Executive Rising from the Factory Floor

I hope you might have access to this interesting article from the Wall St. Journal: "Toyota Veteran Rises to Corporate Office From Factory Floor."...

The One Thing Lean Six Sigma Got Wrong About Lean?

Mark's Note: Today's post is by Erwin van der Koogh, who comes to us from Australia. The thoughts and opinions here are his, although...

Stuff I’m Reading March 2015: Womack, Sweatshops, Hospitals, and Surveys

As often happens, I have too many open browser tabs full of articles that I was going to potentially blog about. Too much WIP...

My Visit to the Toyota Tsutsumi Plant, Part 1

I've been overdue in writing more posts about our Japan tour that took place two months ago now. See previous posts in this series....

Day 2 Notes: Lean Healthcare Transformation Summit 2014

Today is the second and final day of the 5th annual Lean Healthcare Transformation Summit. Follow along on Twitter with hashtag#HCSummit14 to see my tweets and thoughts from...

The Truth About Data and PDSA/PDCA from a Toyota Publication

Out there in the Lean and quality improvement communities, you sometimes hear some silly things. Sometimes, I want to attach the "Lean As...

Eiji Toyoda, Credited with Developing TPS and Expanding Toyota into North...

Eiji Toyoda, a key figure in the growth and expansion of Toyota and the Toyota Production System practices has passed away this week, just...

Don’t Let Looking at Data Blind You From Seeing Reality

I recently read an article (a case study) about "Lean Six Sigma" in a publication. It's not online, so I can't link to it,...

Data vs. Facts – Bridge Wait Times & Hourly Rounding

There's a great Taaichi Ohno quote that I was reminded of last week (see a previous post from 2010 on this). "Data is of course...

Dr. Deming’s “Role of a Manager of People”

Dr. W. Edwards Deming's last book was The New Economics for Industry, Government, Education. In Chapter 5, Deming writes, "Transformation in any organization will...

April Fool: Announcing my Next #Lean Book Project – Baby’s First...

After the nice response to Lean Hospitals and  Healthcare Kaizen, I often get asked, "So, what's your next book going to be?" (other than...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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