Tag: Leadership
That Bad Leader Still Got Paid $46M a Year
Merrill Lynch ousts CEO O'Neal - Boston.comI don't pretend to know the first thing about investment banking other than it's a lucrative career. ...
"It’s Okay To Be The Boss"
I wrote about the "Ask Me Why" button last week and here's another one I've meant to write about for a while. ...
A Good Quote (from 1882!)
I'm prepping for a presentation I'm giving next week on Lean leadership styles and I ran across tihs great quote that John Shook shared...
Dare to Wear this Button?
I've written before about the "Ask Me" campaign that runs in many hospitals, usually in context of "ask me if I've washed my hands."...
Leading Lean A-Z
by Jamie Flinchbaugh, co-author of The Hitchhiker's Guide to LeanDecades of knowledge in lean have been passed on, written down, turned into curriculums and...
Worst. Employee Handbook. Ever.
FTD.de - Business English - Business English - I've found the worst employee handbook ever
The title of this post comes with apologies to Comic...
Practicing the "Basics of Management"
By Bryan Lund, guest contributor to the Lean Blog:I posted the following question on LinkedIn.com as Mark noted in a previous blog entry:"How important...
"5 Whys" Survey Results: Demographic Breakdown (Q2)
Here is another look at the "lean obstacles" survey questions, again breaking it down by some key demographic factors (more details here).Looking first at...
Bosses Gone Wild?
Bad bosses get promoted, not punished?
This story is a few weeks old and isn't strictly Lean related, but it's interesting:
How do people get ahead...
Leadership Transformation
DailyKaizen ยป Kudos to our VPHere's a great story about a VP transforming their leadership style. If you're in the manufacturing world,...
Stop Demotivating Me, Lean Style
CIO Magazine Article
Hat tip to Curious Cat for finding this and blogging about it first. I couldn't resist chiming in. The author...
Management’s Job is to be Proactive
Running a hospital: Our Joint Commission Report
The headline is my modification of a Deming expression, that management's job is prediction. Statistical process control was...