Tag: Leadership

"5 Whys" Survey Results: Demographic Breakdown (Q2)

Here is another look at the "lean obstacles" survey questions, again breaking it down by some key demographic factors (more details here).Looking first at...

Bosses Gone Wild?

Bad bosses get promoted, not punished? This story is a few weeks old and isn't strictly Lean related, but it's interesting: How do people get ahead...

Leadership Transformation

DailyKaizen ยป Kudos to our VPHere's a great story about a VP transforming their leadership style. If you're in the manufacturing world,...

Stop Demotivating Me, Lean Style

CIO Magazine Article Hat tip to Curious Cat for finding this and blogging about it first. I couldn't resist chiming in. The author...

Management’s Job is to be Proactive

Running a hospital: Our Joint Commission Report The headline is my modification of a Deming expression, that management's job is prediction. Statistical process control was...

A Gemba Walk Example

This is from a blog reader, Mike, in response to an earlier question about the role of senior leadership in a Lean effort. ...

Not Cutting Their Way to Greatness

CEO's cost cuts feared too steepRadio Shack's best days are long behind them, apparently (that's not exactly breaking news). The most recent CEO,...

Bad Systems in the News: Detroit Public Schools

I've fallen behind in my blogging the past few days, but I'll be back on track. I saw a number of news stories...

Reader Question: Role of a Company President?

Since we've been talking about leadership and Lean, it's coincidence that I got this email from a reader. I'll let the blog readers...

Let’s Try a "5 Whys" Survey

Following up on the LEI survey that was released and discussed here, I've been talking with a few folks offline about what the "root...

Survey Blames Blame for Lean Struggles

The LEI is out with their annual survey (pdf) about our ongoing struggles implementing Lean, with articles (reprinting the press release) and blog posts...

Changing the Culture at Ford

At Ford, the 'Outsider' Is Optimistic - WSJ.comThere's an interview with Ford CEO Alan Mulally today, we've featured him before on the blog (click...