Tag: Fear

Throwback Thursday: Creating the New American Hospital [Book]

Today's Throwback Thursday is a look back at a 1993 book that I purchased in 2011 on somebody's recommendation. It was probably one of...

What President Bill Clinton and VP Joe Biden Said About Patient...

Healthcare has become very politicized in the U.S. (and in Canada and other countries). I think the patient safety crisis (and trying to solve...

Fear of speaking up is a broader problem, not just in...

Announcement: Dr. Greg Jacobson and I are doing a new webinar for KaiNexus on "More Leadership Behaviors That Create a Culture of Continuous Improvement'"...

Why Red-Green Charts in Management are a Rear-View Mirror Approach

tl;dr: The article critiques the traditional use of red-green charts in management, likening it to driving by looking only at the rear-view mirror. It...

CNN Head Jeff Zucker Doesn’t Realize There’s a Culture of Fear...

Back in May, I saw news reports about the head of CNN, Jeff Zucker: "CNN boss Zucker shocked by staffer's fearful question." Back when I...

A Lean Guy Watches CBC’s “Rate My Hospital”

"Approximately 8 to 10% of the individuals who walk through our doors are being hurt by us," says David  Musyj, CEO of Windsor Regional...

Avoiding the Risks of Using Glib Quotes in Patient Safety Discussions

Yesterday, I tweeted a quote about patient safety that I've seen posted on the wall or bulletin board in many hospitals: "To err is human,...

Top 10 Signs You’re In a Fear-Based Workplace

Dr. W. Edwards Deming always said we need to drive out fear from organizations, as point 8 of the 14 Points said: "Drive out fear,...