Mark Graban

Mark Graban
Mark Graban is an internationally-recognized consultant, author, and professional speaker, and podcaster with experience in healthcare, manufacturing, and startups. Mark's new book is The Mistakes That Make Us: Cultivating a Culture of Learning and Innovation. He is also the author of Measures of Success: React Less, Lead Better, Improve More, the Shingo Award-winning books Lean Hospitals and Healthcare Kaizen, and the anthology Practicing Lean. Mark is also a Senior Advisor to the technology company KaiNexus.

Denver Health’s Lean Patient Safety Improvements on PBS’ NewsHour

On June 30, the PBS NewsHour program did a 7-minute story on healthcare improvement (featuring Lean and Toyota methods) at Denver Health. You can also...

Interview with Paul Akers, CEO of FastCap, on the Initiative

Listen: This episode is a conversation with Paul Akers, founder and president of FastCap LLC, based in Bellingham, WA. FastCap is an international product development...

“All Men (or People) Are Created Equal” – In Your Workplace?

As we celebrate Independence Day in the United States (I prefer not to refer to it as the less meaningful "4th of July"), it's...

Funny Kaizen Cartoon from Lean Pathways

I feel like a lazy blogger posting cartoons and links to videos, but this latest "Lean Laughs" cartoon from Pascal Dennis and the team...

Be Careful When Going to the Gemba

This is always a tongue-in-cheek warning, but there are times when I warn hospital leaders that they have to be careful when going to...

Real-Time Office Kaizen With the Help of Twitter; Practicing What I...

As I've been working on my upcoming second book, Healthcare Kaizen: Engaging Front-Line Staff in Sustainable Improvements, I've had "kaizen" (or continuous improvement) on the...

Dr. Mrinalini Gadkari on the Ohio State Healthcare MBOE Program –...

Listen: Today's episode is a discussion with Mrinalini Gadkari, a Senior Lecturer at the Fisher College of Business. Today, we're talking about the new  Master...

Preventing Brain Surgery Errors… Not Exactly Rocket Science

Thanks to those of you who sent me the link to this Washington Post article called "The Pain of Wrong Site Surgery." The piece...

Masaaki Imai Kaizen Video; Share Kaizen Stories for My Upcoming Book

Here is a great video by Masaaki Imai, author of the classic books Kaizen: The Key To Japan's Competitive Success and Gemba Kaizen: A...

Dr,. Jody Crane & Chuck Noon, Interview About Lean Healthcare for...

Today's episode is a chat with Jody Crane, MD, MBA and Chuck Noon, PhD. They are talking about their outstanding book The Definitive Guide...

A Thoughtful Commencement Message from Stephen Colbert

I'm a proud graduate of Northwestern University, industrial engineering class of 1995. Our '95 commencement speaker was the newly installed president of the university......

Beware Your Leadership Shadow

Last week, at the 2nd annual Lean Healthcare Transformation Summit, I moderated the CEO Panel discussion that featured four excellent Lean leaders: Jim FitzPatrick...