Thanks, everybody, for reading my blog here in 2023. And for listening to podcasts… oh so many podcasts.
I released 13 “Lean Blog Interviews” podcasts. This month marks the 17th birthday of my podcast, which started with this Norman Bodek episode.
I was also happy to continue the “Lean Whiskey” podcast series and I released three episodes of that series.
I also released 25 episodes of “My Favorite Mistake” (a podcast that inspired my new book).

Below are the ten most-read posts of the year, according to Google Analytics (popularity doesn't imply quality, but it's interesting to see what people are reading and sharing) — data through June 30th.
You can also see which posts or pages have the most views, all time, since I started the blog in 2005.
Posts Written in the First Half of 2023
Here are the top 10 most-read posts that I wrote in the first half of this year (and I've been writing less as I've podcasted more):
- In Memoriam: Ritsuo Shingo, Former Toyota Executive and Lean Teacher (2021 views)
- Beyond Discipline: You Can't Punish Your Way to Perfection (784 views)
- In Memoriam: Masaaki Imai, “The Father of KAIZEN™” (1930-2023) (780 views)
- A Modern Version of Lucy and the Chocolate Factory — But With Sushi (Drake & Josh) (744 views)
- CEO Gary Michel On Lean For The Enterprise And The Need To Decomplify Work – PODCAST (614 views)
- What Do We Mean by Vulnerable Acts in the Context of Psychological Safety? (543 views)
- Announcing My Next Book: “Management by Emoji” [April Fool] (521 views)
- Learning from Mistakes: An Operating Room Case Study on the Consequences of Ignoring Small Errors (445 views)
- Evaluating the New MLB Pitch Clock as a Countermeasure to Overly Long Games; Iterating the On-Screen Clock (442 views)
- Accountability in Leadership: My GM Flashback Story and the Blame Game (407 views)
Some Older Posts That Were Popular
Some of these posts are habitually popular, appearing on this list every six months, and some of them are new to the list compared to last year.
- Streamline Your Lean Daily Management Boards with Free Process Tracking Letter Downloads — Safety Cross, SQDC, and More (6258 views)
- Is Lean an Acronym? Is it “LEAN”? “L.E.A.N.?” — Understanding the Origins of the Term (4283)
- Don't Threaten People with This Famous Dr. Deming Quote on Change and Survival (2979)
- Toyota's Respect for People Principle: The Heart of Lean Thinking and Practice (1792)
- Setting Lean Goals That Matter: An Introduction to SQDCM (Safety Quality Delivery Cost Morale) (1741)
- Is “Red & Green” Really Lean? Process Behavior Charts are Better (1699)
- A Quote About a Mistake That Makes You Humble… (1587)
- Wise Words from Mark Twain on Continuous Improvement and Perfection (1540)
- Discovering the Power of Kaizen Idea Boards at the Society for Health Systems Conference (1467)
- When 5S Goes Wrong: A Hilarious (and Cringe-worthy) Office Fiasco Caught on Video, Sort Of (1302)
That last link / post (and its video) regularly appears on my “top posts” lists.
Thanks for being part of my community here! Thanks for reading and listening!
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Check out my latest book, The Mistakes That Make Us: Cultivating a Culture of Learning and Innovation: