Monthly Archives: November 2006

Sacrifices at every level but the Top

WXYZ: Investigators Update January 18, 2007: Ford's Fields Finally Sacrifices This was sent my way from a friend who works at a Ford-related company. I can't...

New book building on TQM: Breakthrough Management

There is a new book on TQM available. I have not bought the book yet but my assumption is that it builds on TQM....

From Pit Crews to Shopfloors to OR’s

London Hospital Gets Tips From Auto Racers, From Pit Stops To Operating Tables, Doctors Learn From Grand Prix Racing - CBS NewsThanks to Bill...

Running to Government for Help?

Journal Gazette | 11/15/2006 | Big Three get little from Bush sessionHas anyone heard the "weak yen" excuse from the Big 3 lately? ...

Can Toyota keep on truckin’?

Detroit Free Press ArticleGreat quote and imagery here from Gary Convis:Gary Convis, the senior vice president of manufacturing in North America for Toyota Motor...

I hope this wasn’t a "Lean" improvement

From a friend who is an engineer at a major company in an industry that should know a lot about lean by now:Old way:...

A Time Saving Traveler

Air Mail :: American Way :: November 1, 2006 I don't know what's worse, that I'm on a road a lot or that I actually...

A Deming Newspaper

Desoto Sun Herald - 11/06/06A second mention of Deming today...This isn't a major newspaper, but the Desoto Sun Herald, in Florida, says: We...

Lost Baggage is Management’s Fault

Frustration Grows at Carousel as More Baggage Goes AstrayW. Edwards Deming is famous (but not famous enough) for pointing out that most errors are...

Ford Recognizes Toyota is the Best

Mulally: Ford needs to become one global company - 11/10/06 - The Detroit News Online:Isn't it funny how it takes an outsider to come...

Interview with John Engler from NAM

PodcasterNews - Industry Report National Association of ManufacturersA good friend of the Lean Blog, Ken Rayment, scored an interview with former Michigan Governor John...

See, GM raises prices because they can

GM raises price of some '07s | Chicago Tribune:The other day, I complained about how GM was "forced" to raise prices due to materials...