Monthly Archives: June 2006

Dan Jones Lean Healthcare Presentation

Curious Cat Management Improvement: Lean National Health SystemThere's a link on John's blog to a Dan Jones presentation, along the lines of the British...

Lean Healthcare in the UK

Bloated NHS to get the Tesco treatment - Britain - Times Online:Thanks to Rob G. (from the UK) for pointing this out to me....

Little’s Law Discussion

shmula » queueing theory: part 1As an Industrial Engineer, I get warm and tingly inside when I see someone blogging about Little's Law....

Thoughts from a Toyota Tour

I received this email and I'm publishing it here with the permission of the anonymous author:In May, the TMMI Toyota Plant in Princeton, IN...

Upcoming Interview: Buying American

If you read the post below and the article from PC Magazine, you might have seen this quote:"The thing with computers and electronics is...

Can You Really Buy An American PC?

News From PC Magazine: Can You Really Buy An American PC?Yes you can, it depends on what you mean by "American." Dell has...

Lean Progress Newsletter

Issue #8 of Lean Progress is now available. You can download your copy now here: it you will find an interview with Gary Smuda...

Why Handoffs Hurt

Seth's Blog: My breakfast was rightFrom Seth Godin: Room service just arrived, and my insanely complex OCD breakfast...

Stop calling it "ER Congestion"

BCNG Portals PageI've posted "lean healthcare" articles here about what's described by the media as "ER congestion." They always describe the sad situation...

My iPod was made in a Prison?

iPod City: Apple criticized for factory conditions There was a fairly shocking story in the Sunday Mail, a London newspaper, about the iPod factory conditions...

Once Again, Dell is Not TPS

Dell: Facing Up To Past Mistakes I've written about this before and I think this article highlights some of the key differences between Toyota and...

The Five Whys

This article appeared in the May 31st issue of APICS extra. It featured yours truly and covers the topic of the five whys. You...