Monthly Archives: March 2006

"Remaking" GM?

03/23/06 - The Detroit News(Welcome readers. Click here or on the top banner to check out my main page and to...

Everyday Lean: Online Bill Pay

Here's the latest in the series on Everyday Lean. I love online bill payment. My bank and the web make it easy to view and pay...

Toyota and Quality Trends

Automotive NewsIs Toyota perfect? No. Are they open about admitting problems and working to get better? Yes.Please check out my main...

Standardized Executive Housing?

0 - Newest Director Shakes Up GM With Calls for Radical ChangeToday's WSJ ($$ subscription required) has an article about GM's newest director, Jerry...

Early Risers in Healthcare!

I always thought manufacturing people were early risers. In my last manufacturing job, the factory started production at 5 AM and I started most...

Does Toyota Follow Deming’s 14 Points?

Curious Cat Management Improvement: Deming and ToyotaAs part of my atonement for mis-stating W. Edwards Deming's views on inspection a few weeks back, I'll...

Lean and Stock Analysts

Two Picks For EMS Industry - Forbes.comFollowing up on the discussion of "Shingo Investing" and the Industry Week Best Plants analysis, here is an...

A Lean Product in How Many Ways?

I had a bottle of a Sobe "LEAN" juice drink the other day. The "lean" name in the beverage isn't the reason I...

Kaizen on ABC’s American Inventor

4 - Get your Bladder Buddy here, on Cowell's 'Inventor'So it's a bit of a corny reality show with the required melodrama, but I...

We’re ALL Done With Batching?

I'm watching a web presentation on improving patient flow from the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI). I'm doing lean healthcare work now and...

Welcome to the blog, Mike

We have a new contributor to the Lean Blog, a blogger with a unique perspective on lean. He's working in a research...

Lean in Science

by Mike LopezLean in Science. Cookie cutters are really good at cutting cookies, but you can't bake a cake with them. This is my...