Monthly Archives: July 2006

Building Near Your Customers

By Jamie Flinchbaugh Mark recently posted about Building Near Your Customers. Here's another reason - your product might end up at the bottom of the...

Norm Bodek on Waste

Society of Manufacturing Engineers:The link above is a new column written by our friend Norman Bodek (the guest for our first podcast) about the...

Building Near Your Customers

0 U.S.:Here is a great lesson in the lean/TPS concept of building near your customers, from an article about the upcoming Toyota San Antonio...

Fixing Workarounds is Fun

Fun day today. Healthcare, maybe more than other industries, is prone to tolerating and institutionalizing workarounds, as Steven Spear has written about.As I'm...

Notes from a Toyota Georgetown Tour

Construction Executive Lessons from the Toyota Visit :: Reforming Project ManagementGreat post on the Reforming Project Management blog, notes on a TMMK visit, 23...

Lean Customer Service and Phone Queues

It's nice to be pleasantly surprised by customer service. I called Avis this morning (I'm not renting through National after their poor service...

Conn-Selmer to Hire Replacement "Monkeys"?

Contract offers strike sour noteThe Bach workers are still out on strike in Indiana, they have been since April 1. I haven't written about...

We need Lean, not more $tudies

Report: Drug errors injure more than 1.5M There are many lean lessons and methods that can be applied to fixing pharmacies and drug dispensing. One...

Great Books You Didn’t Know Were About Lean

There are many books that are not at all about lean, but the lessons they contain are very helpful to a lean journey. Here's...

LeanBlog Podcast in the iTunes Directory

The podcast is now in the iTunes podcast directory, if you search for "leanblog", "lean manufacturing", etc.If you have iTunes on your computer, click...

And You Had a Bad Day?

Urban Legends Reference Pages: Tapioca Time BombThis is a true story and a funny one that almost defies belief. Imagine it is 1972 and...

Taking Time out of Making Glasses

Everyone knows by now that you can get glasses "in about an hour." I read about them recently in a magazine, this was the...