What are the Origins of the Term SMED (Single-Minute Exchange of...

In my recent podcast with Ritsuo Shingo, one topic was the history of the acronym "SMED" -- it stands for "Single-Minute Exchange of Die,"...

Toyota Tour Thoughts – Yes, They Have Opportunities for Kaizen

I had a chance to go back to the Toyota Motor Manufacturing Texas (TMMTX) plant in south San Antonio last week with a group...

Say No to "Quick Changeover"…

Changeover.comYou might be surprised to see that phrase. Say "no" to quick changeover?? That's a core method in the Toyota Production System, right? Well,...

L.A.M.E.: 5S Making Things Harder on Employees

Here's a follow up to my earlier post on 5S not being about neatness (or for neatness' sake).A reader submitted this anonymous comment that's...

Lean Diaper Changing

Sean Michael's World: Lean Diaper ChangingThis isn't from first-hand experience, believe me. Here's a post that linked to me from the blog that's...

Quick Changeover for American Airlines Center

Juggling act sets up rinkEven though I'm still a pretty die hard Red Wings fan, I live in Stars country now. Don't ask me...

"Open Wide and Say ‘Lean’"

By Dean Bliss (bio below)At the recent Shingo Prize conference, I was reminded of the power of Lean. Not just because of the...

Lean for High Takt Times

Mark's Note: After some of my adventures in blogging about lean in aerospace, I got a volunteer to add some perspectives from that industry....

KanBan vs. "The Pile" – Lean in the Laundry Room

By Bill Hanover, ThroughPut SolutionsWith seven children and two adults all living in the same house we have found that applying a little Lean...

Standard Work from the World of Nascar

WSJ.com - Requires Subscription:I love using Nascar examples for lean training -- quick changeover (external setup and pit stops), visual controls (the gauges on...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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