Tag: Six Sigma

Lean and Six Sigma Behaviors

By Mike Lopez:Before Lean, many of the activities that are presently structured as Lean projects used to take place anyway. They flew under corporate...

Keeping high-tech Valley jobs with Lean and Six Sigma

East Valley Tribune | Daily Arizona news for Chandler, Gilbert, Tempe, Mesa, Scottsdale It's not often we read about manufacturing work coming back from Asia...

Toyota Asks "What is Six Sigma?"

Six Sigma Stigma (PDF) Here's an article from Fast Company magazine. The author visited Toyota in Japan and asked a somewhat uninformed question: Eager to show we...

Lean or Six Sigma?

In his article "Putting Six Sigma in Perspective", Michael Hammer uses the mantra:"Use the right tool for the right problem". An excerpt that summarizes...

Six Sigma Blog: Book Review: Lean Six Sigma for Service

Six Sigma BlogThe Six Sigma Blog has a link to a review of the Michael George book, Lean Six Sigma for Service.Please check out...

Bringing Lean Systems Thinking to Six Sigma

Quality Digest Magazine: Another article by Jamie Flinchbaugh and Paul Mullenhour, of the Lean Learning Center. They outline failure modes, including: "One...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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