Paul Critchley

Paul Critchley
Paul W. Critchley founded New England Lean Consulting after enjoying a successful career implementing Lean Principles throughout the Automotive, Medical Device and Aerospace industries. He is co-author of “The Whole Professional, A Collection of Essays to Help You Achieve a Full and Satisfying Life”. He can be reached at

Fast Lean – What’s Not to Love?

Mark's note: I somehow stumbled across this 2002 HBR article, Read a Plant--Fast, so I asked regular guest blogger Paul Critchley to write a post...

Signs, Signs, Everywhere Signs!

In this post, Paul Critchley writes about signs not being a good solution to most problems. Does posting a sign mean that people understand it or that it's going to be followed?

Do We Quit When We Face a Setback? I Hope Not!

Mark's Note: I thought "OCR" meant Optical Character Reader and I thought a "BattleFrog" was the name of a minor league baseball team. But that's...

Could Lean Thinking Have Prevented the Recent Disney Tragedy?

For many families, making a trip to Walt Disney World is the quintessential family vacation. My wife and I started planning our Disney trip...

A Lean Guy Reads & Reviews “Henry Ford’s Lean Vision”

I'm a car guy. Above all other mechanical devices that we engineers get to be involved with, I am fascinated most with these incredible...

The Biggest “Bang for Your Lean Buck?” Respecting Your People

Mark's note: Today's post is a guest contribution from Paul Critchley. Check out his previous posts here. As a long time Lean practitioner (and now...

The Way Life Should Be – At L.L. Bean & Other...

Mark's Note: I asked Paul Critchley to blog about this article from The Atlantic that I read recently: "Why L.L. Bean's Boots Keep Selling Out." You might want to read that first. Here's Paul's post: As a New Englander (and native Mainer) L.L. Bean holds a special place in my heart. For many, L.L. Bean represents everything...

Want to be Lean? Better Bring Your Fish Finder!

Mark's note: Today's guest post is by Paul Critchley and he brings up important points about not reducing inventory too low before improving the...

Captain Jack’s Cannonball Polish – Buy One, Get Two Free!

Mark's note: Today's post is by Paul Critchley and he raises important questions that I've seen in both factories and hospitals. Here's his post... As I've moved through my career and Lean journey, I've been blessed to have met and worked with some really fantastic people...

Why is There a Scrap of Paper with “5S = Failure...

Mark's Note: Today's guest post is by Paul Critchley and while it shares a story from a manufacturing company, I could see a situation...
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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