Monthly Archives: October 2011

Lean in Hospitals: Which Tool or Which Need?

As people first learn about Lean, they often ask questions like "what tools or methods should we use first?" These tools include things like...

In Memoriam, Steve Jobs (1955-2011)

My deepest sympathies to his family and those who knew him. Steve Jobs is certainly an American original and he's the Thomas Edison and...

“Management By Walking Around” vs. “Gemba Walks”

It's important not to confuse a proper Lean "gemba walk" with the idea of "management by walking around" (MBWA).  What did the late, great...

Problems like This Should be the Focus of “Lean Government”

The "Strong America Now" initiative has proposed there are opportunities to save $500 BILLION  a year from our U.S. federal government budget by using...

This Photo Seems Like the Definition of “Workaround”

This picture is absolutely classic, from the great website On their website, it was titled "Ultimate Laziness FAIL." Looking in the workplace, how...