Monthly Archives: October 2007

Corporate Birthday Greetings

Today is my birthday, as Rob pointed out in a comment a few days back (thanks to "social networking" sites that I've shared that...

How Toyota Became #1, and Will Again

I've mentioned this book before, coming out Nov 1, it's called How Toyota Became #1: Leadership Lessons from the World's Greatest Car Company.I had...

L.A.M.E. Strikes in Virginia

General Dynamics workers laid off - SWVAToday.comIt's been a while since a Lean As Mistakenly Executed (L.A.M.E.) sighting. Or, in other words, stuff...

Finding Joy in Your work

1 Harvey Mackay: Work for the love of it all - Mon, Oct 15, 2007For all of the complaining we do about the airlines...

A Very Non-Lean ER Experience

Thanks to a Lean Blog reader, Matt, for sending this first-hand account. I'm sorry he (and his wife) had to go through this...

Sorry, we have no Toast at Toast!

I can't say this is strictly Lean related, but I thought this was funny and I'll share it anyway. So I'm at the...

Kids Learning About Lean

5 - Serving Dixon, Sterling & Rock Falls:Here's a news story about career day at a High School and someone talking about Lean (I...

How Curiosity Empowers Toyota

Business Week ArticleHere is a new article from Business Week, which also focuses on the upcoming book How Toyota Became #1: Leadership Lessons from...

Putting the Burden on Patients?

I saw this ad (click on the photo for a larger, readable view) in the Wall Street Journal Monday. It's an ad run...

FAA and Airlines Improving Where It Counts

Lean bloggers tend to be hard on the commercial airline industry. It's not unjustified considering how they've treated their own employees and their customers...

Lowest Bidder? No Wonder There Are Problems

Marketplace: Road construction paved with problemsDr. Deming always preached to not choose suppliers based on price alone. Many companies and industries have never...

Lean Transport: Buses vs. Light Rail

By Dan MarkovitzMark posted yesterday about the relative leanness of light rail vs. buses. He pointed out thata rail line probably has more...