Learn How to Read My Books for Just $5 to $15


My books are generally well reviewed, thankfully. But, I realize they aren't inexpensive. The prices are set by my publisher and the prices were increased a few bucks for Lean Hospitals and Healthcare KaizenThe Executive Guide to Healthcare Kaizen was left untouched, thankfully.

I'm always happy when Amazon discounts the books from the list price. I really am. Sure, I make a few bucks from each book copy sold (it's a far smaller cut than what the retailer and publisher take, trust me). As an author, I want these ideas to spread. That's very important to me. More people reading my books also leads to speaking and consulting opportunities (which I'm very thankful for).

Did you know that renting the books through Amazon in the Kindle format is the least expensive way to read my books?

I think, by now, that more people realize you don't need a Kindle device anymore to read Kindle books. You can read Kindle books on iPads, tablets, phones, PCs, Macs, or even in your browser through the FREE Kindle software apps. There's some fine print to that statement, as The Executive Guide is in a particular sub-format of Kindle book that requires a large screen (like an iPad) since it's a page-for-page reproduction of the paper book. My other books are in the more traditional format that re-formats well for the e-ink Kindle devices and smaller screens like phones.

I think it's less well known that you can RENT Kindle books for a much lower price.

For example, you can rent The Executive Guide to Healthcare Kaizen for 30 days for just over $5.

The rental costs a little more for a longer period:

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If you try the book and like it, you can apply what you've spent on the rental toward BUYING the book. It's a great way, it seems, to “try before you buy” even if you want to buy the paperback version.

kindle books

I honestly have NO IDEA how authors get paid when readers rent books. Like I said above, I'm honestly just happy to see the ideas spread and I'm honored that people would take time out of their busy day to read my work (and better yet, use the ideas to improve their organization).

That said, please don't email me asking for a free book. I don't get free books from the publisher (although I do get to buy them at a decent discount).

I can offer you a free copy of Lean Hospitals (in PDF form) — if you can read Arabic (this was translated by my friends and partners at the Lean Gulf Institute).

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Mark Graban
Mark Graban is an internationally-recognized consultant, author, and professional speaker, and podcaster with experience in healthcare, manufacturing, and startups. Mark's new book is The Mistakes That Make Us: Cultivating a Culture of Learning and Innovation. He is also the author of Measures of Success: React Less, Lead Better, Improve More, the Shingo Award-winning books Lean Hospitals and Healthcare Kaizen, and the anthology Practicing Lean. Mark is also a Senior Advisor to the technology company KaiNexus.


  1. Although having the opportunity to rent a book is nice; I have always looked at the price of important books as a true investment. Some books are necessary, in my personal library, to reflect on and reread periodically to remain focused.

    • Personally, I haven’t rented any books, David… so I’m curious how I’d feel to “lose it” once done. Amazon really only rents “textbooks” and my books are in that category, they say.

      Keep in mind, if you rent and decide you do want to keep the book in your virtual library, the rental cost gets credited toward the purchase price.

      For some books, I really want the paper copy, as much as I like Kindle. If you want to write in the book, photocopy a page for somebody, etc. that’s sometimes easier with paper. Sometimes electronic is better because it’s searchable, you can share digital notes and highlights with others online…


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