Tag: Respect

Interview with Karyn Ross on Lean and Kind Leadership

My guest for Episode #427 of the Lean Blog Interviews Podcast is a returning guest, Karyn Ross. She was previously a guest in Episodes 266 and 411. She was...

Podcast #305 – Respect for People and Continuous Improvement for Healthcare...

I was recently asked to do a recorded video presentation for a medical conference in Turkey. I spoke about the dual pillars of "The Toyota Way": Respect for People Continuous Improvement The video is about 20 minutes, split about half and half on each of those interrelated topics. I'm coming to you from a hotel room, somewhat tired after a day of consulting. (Slides PDF and transcript also included)

Highlights from a Great Book: “The Leader’s Handbook”

I've been going through the book by the late Peter Scholtes: The Leader's Handbook: Making Things Happen, Getting Things Done. His work builds upon the legendary W. Edwards Deming and Russell Ackoff, among others. I often quote Scholtes (something also attributed to Peter Senge and others) as saying: "People don't resist change, they resist being changed." I think that's very insightful and that thought has led me to study change management, "motivational interviewing" and other related topics. It turns out that having the right answer and pushing it on others isn't the best strategy for effecting sustainable change. I had to learn those lessons the hard way and I'm still learning.

A Lean Guy Reads the Boston Papers: Facts, Respect, and Baseball...

My wife and I were in Boston over the weekend, as it was her fifth reunion from her MIT master's program. I'm also an...

Podcast #214: Michael Ballé, Lead With Respect, His New Lean Management...

Listen Today's guest is Michael Ballé, an author of many novels about Lean management, published by the Lean Enterprise Institute. He joins us for this episode...

A Panel of Early Lean Lab Innovators

This week, I was able to drop by the annual Lab Quality Confab event since it was being held in here in San Antonio....
"The Mistakes That Make Us" Receives Shingo Publication Award!Learn More
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