Monthly Archives: September 2007

Another Lean Hospital Tale

Medical treatment takes 'lean' tackHere's a great Lean healthcare overview, a news story that appeared in the Chicago Tribune last month about a hospital...

Practicing the "Basics of Management"

By Bryan Lund, guest contributor to the Lean Blog:I posted the following question on as Mark noted in a previous blog entry:"How important...

Happy Labor Day

Monday is Labor Day, a holiday in the United States. Since one of the main pillars of the Toyota Production System is "respect...

"5 Whys" Survey Results: Demographic Breakdown (Q2)

Here is another look at the "lean obstacles" survey questions, again breaking it down by some key demographic factors (more details here).Looking first at...

Lean is Not About Outsourcing

How Boeing Got Going - TIMEEvolving Excellence's Kevin Meyer will comment on this after his vacation, I'm sure (read his other Boeing comments starting...