Kaizen in the Garrison Brothers Bourbon Bottle Dipping Process

I’m excited that our sold-out “Symposium on Learning Organizations” group will be visiting Toyota’s San Antonio plant on Wednesday. Later that day, we’ll be touring the Garrison Brothers Distillery and, on Thursday, we are using their “barrel barn” as a venue for “Open Space” discussions, the Red Bead Experiment, and more. We have a group of 40 from many industries attending and we might run a similar event in a different location in the future.

I’ve blogged about Garrison Brothers and my stint as a bottling line volunteer before…

In that post, I shared pictures of me working to dip bottles of bourbon into a sealing wax. I was wearing a winter coat because it was February in Texas and there was a bit of snow and ice that week.

When I was back there recently, I saw some additional improvements that seem like “Kaizen” to me.